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Enhanced Vision & Comfort with Scleral Lenses

Have irregular corneas or severe dry eye?
Try scleral lenses!
They’re custom fit, providing more comfortable, clear, and improved vision.

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What are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral contact lenses are rigid gas permeable lenses with an extra-wide diameter. As opposed to traditional contacts, scleral lenses vault over the entire cornea, leaving a gap between the lens and the corneal surface before coming to rest on the white part of your eye (your sclera).

Their unique design has taken scleral lenses to the top of the charts for ultimate wearing comfort, healthy eyes, and excellent vision for people of all ages.

They are custom-fit to your eye and are perfect for those with hard-to-fit eyes, astigmatism, keratoconus, severe dry eye, or for those simply seeking more comfort when wearing contact lenses.

Read More about Scleral Lenses

What Are The Advantages Of Wearing Scleral Lenses?

With scleral lenses, you'll experience consistently clear vision-even if you have an irregular cornea. Here are some of the benefits provided by scleral lenses:

  • Their super-size diameter ensures that they stay centered and stable on your eye, which also prevents them from popping out easily, even if you play sports or lead an active lifestyle.
  • They are made up from high quality, durable materials to last for the long haul.
  • The large size of the lens protects your eyes from debris, dust, and allergens, providing a perfect solution if you suffer from eye allergies.
  • They are composed of highly breathable gas permeable material, which ensures that ample oxygen reaches the eye, leading to healthy eyes and comfortable lens wear.
  • These lenses have a pocket that fills with moisturizing tears. This wet, lubricating cushion leads to a very comfortable wearing experience, as well as healthier eyes.

Ready to say goodbye to all those contact lenses that felt uncomfortable and didn't give you sharp vision?

Grace Tseng, OD, FAAO

Grace Tseng, OD, FAAO


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Who Wears Scleral Lenses?

With scleral lenses, you'll experience consistently clear vision-even if you have an irregular cornea. Here are some of the benefits provided by scleral lenses:

  • Their super-size diameter ensures that they stay centered and stable on your eye, which also prevents them from popping out easily, even if you play sports or lead an active lifestyle.
  • They are made up from high quality, durable materials to last for the long haul.
  • The large size of the lens protects your eyes from debris, dust, and allergens, providing a perfect solution if you suffer from eye allergies.
  • They are composed of highly breathable gas permeable material, which ensures that ample oxygen reaches the eye, leading to healthy eyes and comfortable lens wear.
  • These lenses have a pocket that fills with moisturizing tears. This wet, lubricating cushion leads to a very comfortable wearing experience, as well as healthier eyes.

Ready to say goodbye to all those contact lenses that felt uncomfortable and didn't give you sharp vision?

How long do I have to be on this treatment?

Until about age 20.

Does the treatment cure Myopia?

No. It prevents your child’s prescription from getting worse. For example, if they are at a -2, their vision will stay at that level.

Is this billable to insurance?

Depending on your vision plan, a portion of the cost of materials may be reimbursable.

Published research on myopia management by our own doctors!

Learn More about Scleral Lenses | FAQ

Learn More about Scleral Lenses | FAQ

medical-plus medical-plus How do Scleral Lenses Help with Dry Eye Syndrome?

Scleral lenses tackle three factors simultaneously: they provide vision correction, they protect the eye, and they serve a therapeutic purpose by lubricating the eye. 

By filling the bowl of the lens with unpreserved saline solution prior to inserting it in the eye, you ensure that your eyes are always in a hydrated and comfortable environment. This provides relief from unpleasant dry eye symptoms such as pain, discomfort, eye redness, and itchiness while providing sharp, clear vision.

medical-plus medical-plus Why Do Scleral Lenses Offer Superior Comfort?

Scleral lenses are custom-fit to each person's unique eye shape, corneal curves, and contours, providing unparalleled comfort. Their size and shape also ensure stability.

To design the lenses, Dr. Moshe Mendelson, Dr. Jackson Lau, Dr. Kevin Wu, and Dr. Grace Tseng will take exact measurements of your cornea through a process called corneal topography. This process ensures that your personal pair of scleral lenses allows the right amount of light in and sits stably on the eye, thus offering superior vision, all-day ocular hydration, and increased comfort. 

If other contact lenses haven't worked for you, don't despair - you may be a candidate for scleral lenses. Talk toDr. Moshe Mendelson, Dr. Jackson Lau, Dr. Kevin Wu, and Dr. Grace Tseng to determine your best course of action.

medical-plus medical-plus Does Insurance Cover Scleral Lenses?

When it comes to scleral lenses, every insurance company is different. Some cover the eye exams and custom fitting, but not the actual lenses. Others may cover a portion of the cost or 100% of the cost, but only if other treatment methods have been exhausted. It's important that you consult with your  insurance provider to understand the particulars of your scleral lens coverage.

It is our strong belief that one’s quality of life is profoundly associated with one’s vision. Vision problems, whether due to keratoconus, LASIK, ocular trauma corneal irregularities, or dry eye syndrome, affect all aspects of a patient’s life.

Relieve your discomfort by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Moshe Mendelson, Dr. Jackson Lau, Dr. Kevin Wu, and Dr. Grace Tseng and we’ll help you find the best solution for your condition and lifestyle.

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